Naufal Andrianto Nurfauzi

Hello there! Here, I showcase some of my best projects. Welcome to my portfolio!

About me

I have over 4+ years of experience working in Web Development especially using PHP and System Administration using Linux Currently, I work in GLPlusplus as a Full Stack Web Developer and System Administrator, developing web-based accounting software that is reliable and fit for business as the business solution and business strategy. Also maintaining and monitoring CentOS VPS for secure and stable web performance. For 4+ years I’m using Codeigniter as a PHP framework.

Competencies: PHP, Codeigniter, MySQL, Javascript, VPS, CentOS, MariaDB, Nginx, Git.


Informatics Engineering
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Jun 2022


GL++ Accounting Software

This web-based accounting software is semi-customizable and comes equipped with a variety of features tailored to specific businesses such as manufacturing, restaurants, schools, and retail. It was built using the Codeigniter Framework for the backend, and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the frontend. The web server used was NGINX, while the database server used was MariaDB.

PT. GLPLUS MANDIRI INDONESIA (Company Profile) A company profile providing all informations about GLPLUS MANDIRI INDONESIA. Built with Wordpress CMS.

Reunion Invitation

A digital reunion invitation build with Wordpress.

Akang Interior (Landing Page) A Landing Page for Interior Designer build with Wordpress and Elementor.

SynergiSolve (Company Profile) A Company Profile for Web Developer Company build with Wordpress and Elementor.

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